Home » Admissions » Scholarships » General Excellence Scholarships
General Excellence Scholarships are awarded to well-rounded students who demonstrate a commitment to academic improvement and achievement in one or more of the following categories;
Applicants need to be able to demonstrate their capability, achievements and potential in their respective field of endeavour, and outline how the school community will benefit from their scholarship.
Applicants for General Excellence Scholarships may need to attend an additional audition day (see dates here).
Applicants for a Year 7 Music Scholarship should be of at least AMEB Grade 6 standard for orchestral instruments, and Grade 7 for pianists. Those applying for a Year 9 or Year 10 Scholarship should be of AMEB Grade 7 standard for orchestral instruments, and Grade 8 for pianists. As part of the audition process, candidates will be asked to perform two contrasting works (or contrasting movements from the same work) on their main instrument, and, in the case of students who play more than one instrument, one piece on the second instrument. There will be an aural test (similar to AMEB) and some sight reading. Auditions will last approximately 15 minutes. Candidates must arrange their own accompanist where applicable.
Click here for more information about applying for a General Excellence Scholarship.
ABN 86 852 826 445 CRICOS 00624A