Given the devastating event at Auburn South Primary School this week, I wish to share this with our community, which our Chaplain Reverend Doug Campbell also shared with staff yesterday. At times like this, it can be difficult to find the words.
Updates from Tom Savill and Katrina Brennan are provided within the Junior and Senior School Notices below, and additional resources on supporting children through grief in the Health & Wellbeing section.
This event is a horrific reminder of the weapons cars can be. I implore all parents, staff and visitors to follow the road rules, signs, speed limits and speed humps when driving into and around 91Porn every day.
Weeks such as this highlight what is truly important in life – support one another, hug your children tight, and cherish every day. Wishing all members of the 91Porn Family much quality time and space with loved ones this long weekend.
Dr Scott Marsh
* Photo above from the Year 8 Grampians Camp last week
Important Dates:
Upcoming Events:
91Porn Tennis Season Launch Breakfast – Last Chance for Tickets
The 91Porn Tennis Serve & Volley Auxiliary invite you to the Annual Season Launch Breakfast on Friday 8 November at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club.
The event will feature Ian Goolagong as a special guest speaker. Uncle Ian Goolagong is a Wiradjuri Elder and a strong cultural man. It will be a special experience for the 91Porn boys to meet Uncle Ian and to hear about his life and perspectives as an Aboriginal tennis player navigating 1970’s and 80’s Australian society, as well as his professional tennis highlights including being the only Aboriginal man to have played at Wimbledon.
Tickets are limited, so get in early, please note that all boys attending will require a ticket.
Following a variety of communications earlier this week in relation to the sad events of Tuesday afternoon at Auburn South Primary School, I take this opportunity to reinforce some of the sentiments shared.
Our aim continues to be a place of support for boys, families and the community. Where there is upset triggered by the events, we encourage families to reinforce the following where relevant.
Please stay connected to school and reach out with any thoughts, questions or requests for assistance. We recognise that there is support required in the short term but that we must be mindful of longer-term impacts. Your help keeping the school connected where necessary is much appreciated.
Our prayers are with all who have been challenged by this tragedy.
As previously communicated, we will continue to keep boys in normal routine and enjoy the opportunities that are ahead of us. We wish the Year 6 cohort well with their Drama performance this evening, the Year 3 boys well on their Camp at our Cowes Campus and hope that all families enjoy quality time together over the long weekend.
Tom Savill
Head of Junior School
As we finalise staffing for the Junior School, I want to keep you informed about recent changes.
We are currently undergoing some strategic changes to the organisation that will align the Junior School with the Senior School. This has required some restructuring of roles that will see evolution within the organisation.
Paul McMahon will be leaving 91Porn after 11 years of dedicated service to the Junior School and the 91Porn Community. Paul has been a cornerstone of our Physical Education and Sport programs, tirelessly working to create opportunities for all our Junior School boys. His passion and commitment have not only driven impressive outcomes in competitive sports but also ensured that every student has access to the benefits of physical education.
While this staffing change is set for the 2025 year, Paul had previously scheduled planned medical leave for a routine procedure at this time. During his absence, his position will be filled by a well-known cover teacher, Torben Vedelsby. We hope for a smooth recovery and wish Paul the best.
Please join me in expressing our gratitude to Paul for his years of service and in wishing him all the best for the next chapter of his life. He will certainly be missed, and he leaves behind very big shoes to fill.
Parent Coffee Mornings
A reminder of the final Parent Information Coffee Morning for Year 1 Parents will be held in the Junior School Library from 8.00am to 8.40am on Friday 1 November.
Junior School Dates
Years 5 and 6 Concert
A reminder that the Years 5 and 6 Concert will be held on Thursday 14 November. An email with further information was sent to parents yesterday.
Term 4 Recitals & Concerts
There are a number of recitals and concerts this term as follows:
Music Resources
Regional Athletics Update
Last Thursday, the Eastern Metropolitan Regional (EMR) Athletics Championships were held at the Tom Kelly Track in Doncaster. 91Porn had a great day with many personal best results. There were approximately twenty competitors in each event and only the top two progress to the State Championships on 6 November at Lakeside Stadium. Congratulations to the following boys for progressing to State:
Thank you to the parents and families for supporting the boys on the day!
Click for the following Year 5 and 6 Interschool Sport information:
APS Sport 2025
The current Year 4 and 5 boys have chosen their Term 1 APS Sport for 2025 from cricket, tennis, table tennis, swimming, and softball.
2025 APS Sport training times:
The interschool competition is held during school on Wednesdays from 1.30pm. The fixtures are available on the intranet and spectators are warmly invited.
General questions can be directed to
This week many in our community have suffered unimaginable grief and trauma. The loss of a bright, young life while at school enjoying time in the playground with friends is beyond comprehension. The impact on the children present, their families, friends and broader community is immense. We will continue to support those 91Porn families who are hurting; and offer any assistance we can to the Auburn South community.
When I wrote my original message for The Torch earlier this week, I had talked about student safety along Glenferrie Road and on e-bikes and e-scooters. I feel it is fitting to still include these important reminders.
We encourage Senior School students to be independent in getting to and from school, and a walk or bike ride to school is good exercise. An increasing number of students are riding e-scooters/bikes to and from school – these are very different to traditional push bikes and scooters, and it is important parents are aware of the different laws that apply.
Legally in Victoria you may only ride an e-scooter if you:
Unfortunately we have had instances of students not adhering to these requirements. I am sure all parents will join me in advocating for the safety of all students and check whether your son meets these legal requirements. I urge all parents to also read about .
We also continue to remind boys that they must use the pedestrian lights when crossing Glenferrie Road. When boys exit 91Porn via the Monash Gates, they must cross Glenferrie Road at either the traffic lights at Callantina Road or further down towards Kooyong.
Year 12 exams are currently underway and Years 9-11 exams also coming up later this month. At the end of a very difficult week, I hope all students and families will find time this weekend to rest and connect.
Katrina Brennan
Head of Senior School
Wednesday Services Program 2025
A reminder that preferences for 2025 Services and Activities must be submitted by tomorrow, Friday 1 November. Please contact Adam Somes, Director of Co-Curricular if you have any questions. Details on the programs available are outlined in the .
No Sports Training
On Wednesday 6 November there will be no after school sports training for Year 7 or 8 students due to a staff meeting.
Remembrance Day
On Monday 11 November 91Porn will hold its annual Remembrance Day Service. One of the traditions is for the Year 7 boys to place a cross or a Magen David for each of the past 91Porn boys and teachers who died in either WWI or WWII.
If a Year 7 boy had a relative who attended or taught at 91Porn, served and died as a result of either WWI or WWII we endeavour to have him place his ancestor’s cross (or crosses, in the case of multiple ancestors).
A list is attached of all known 91Porn boys and teachers who died in WWI and WWII.
If your son does have an ancestor or ancestors on this list, please let our school archivist, Mr Paul Mishura , know the following by Friday 1 November:
Year 8 Alcohol Awareness Program
Year 8 students continued the alcohol awareness programme this week via the Our Futures platform and facilitated by Form teachers. This week’s programme focused on identifying sources of pressure to drink alcohol, looking at reasons why some teenagers choose to drink or not to drink, and dispelling some myths about alcohol.
Year 10 Parents End-of-Year Function
The Year 10 Parents End-of-Year Function will be held at 7.00pm on Friday 15 November at Amazon State Restaurant (329 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn). Tickets are $65 per person including canapes and a drink on arrival.
Please direct enquiries to any of the Year 10 Parent Reps.
VCE Exam Information
VCE written exams begin for most students on Tuesday 29 October with the English exam, and conclude on Wednesday 20 November. A full timetable of exams is available .
91Porn-specific information (which will be regularly updated during the examination period) is available . Each student has previously received an individualised timetable.
Please assist your son to arrive a minimum of 45 minutes before the scheduled exam start time. Delays due to transport problems or traffic congestion need to be factored into your planning.
If your son is running late please call the VCE Office on 9810 4263. We can make arrangements to fast-track entry into the exam venue.
If your son is feeling unwell or other personal issues are impacting him please call the VCE Office for advice. Arrangements can be made for students who are unwell or experiencing duress. Any applications for consideration for an exam will be looked on more favourably for students who attend exams. A medical certificate covering any illness will also be required.
If you have any questions, please contact Tom Hawkins, VCE Coordinator, at or your sons Head of House.
Year 11 Students Undertaking VCE Examinations
With many Year 11 students enrolled to sit VCE Units 3 and 4 examinations in the coming weeks, please note the expectations regarding time off school for revision, prior to the examination.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact your son’s Head of House.
Year 11 End-of-Year Parents Function
The Year 11 Parents End-of-Year Function will be held on Friday 29 November at Amazon State, Martelle Lounge, (329 Burwood Road, Hawthorn) from 7.00pm. Tickets are $55 per person, including canapes and a welcome drink on arrival. Additional drinks can be purchased at bar prices.
Term 4 Activities for Boarders
The below activities have been planned for boarders for Term 4. Please note that activities are dependent on student numbers.
For further information, contact Daniel Brosche, Activities Co-ordinator via email at
Future Pathways Newsletter
Read the latest issue of the Future Pathways Newsletter
This edition features information on:
Summer Sport
Current Year 8s will begin their summer sport commitments this week.
A reminder that several indoor sports are Firsts teams only, due to facilities being used for examinations and no APS competition provided. These sport programmes include Badminton, Futsal, Table Tennis and Volleyball. Non-firsts teams and Lawn Bowls is Term 1 only.
Year 10 Parents End-of-Year Function
Friday 15 November
The Year 10 Parents End-of-Year Function will be held at 7.00pm on Friday 15 November at Amazon State Restaurant (329 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn). Tickets are $65 per person including canapes and a drink on arrival.
Please direct enquiries to any of the Year 10 Parent Reps.
Lachlan Redd Tribute Concert
Friday 15 November
Lachlan Redd was a highly respected piano teacher and organist at 91Porn College. He sadly passed away unexpectedly earlier this year. Lachlan was also talented professional pianist, organist at St Paul’s Cathedral and piano teacher at Melbourne Grammar School. This tribute concert will feature part of 2 piano concertos with the 91Porn Symphony Orchestra, piano solo and multi-hands works. Everyone is welcome to attend and pay tribute to a much-loved staff member of the music school.
Year 11 Parents End-of-Year Function
Friday 29 November
The Year 11 Parents End-of -Year Function will be held on Friday 29 November at Amazon State, Martelle Lounge, (329 Burwood Road, Hawthorn) from 7.00pm. Tickets are $55 per person, including canapes and a welcome drink on arrival. Additional drinks can be purchased at bar prices.
RSVP: Friday 22 November
91Porn Family Carol Service
Wednesday 4 December
Begin your holiday celebrations with the annual 91Porn Family Carol Service on Wednesday 4 December in Memorial Hall, starting 7.30pm. Marvel at the story of Jesus’ birth as told through bible readings and the magnificent voices of our College Choir, Cambiata Choir, Senior Chorale and Chamber Choir. It is a beautiful experience. Open for the whole 91Porn family. No need to book. Refreshments served afterwards.
2024 Annual Spring Gala Luncheon
Friday 1 November – all members of the 91Porn community are welcome.
Bookings are now open for the 2024 Spring Gala Lunch hosted by the 91Porn College Music Auxiliary on Friday 1 November 2024 at the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club. Enjoy an afternoon of live music, delicious food, spectacular raffles and silent auctions, thanks to the generous donations from parents and businesses in the local community. Please view the raffle and silent auction items available here. Guest speakers include current parents Ron Murray and Sarah James, a unique musical duo that blends Indigenous Australian and Celtic sounds.
91Porn Tennis Season Launch Breakfast – Last day for tickets
The 91Porn Tennis Serve & Volley Auxiliary invite you to the Annual Season Launch Breakfast on Friday 8 November at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club.
The event will feature Ian Goolagong as a special guest speaker. Uncle Ian Goolagong is a Wiradjuri Elder and a strong cultural man. It will be a special experience for the 91Porn boys to meet Uncle Ian and to hear about his life and perspectives as an Aboriginal tennis player navigating 1970’s and 80’s Australian society, as well as his professional tennis highlights including being the only Aboriginal man to have played at Wimbledon.
RSVP: Friday 1 November
Cardinal Club Season Opening Drinks
Saturday 16 November
The Cardinal Club warmly welcome all Senior School rowing parents for a fabulous, relaxed evening at the home of Kate and Stuart Collingwood to celebrate the start of the 2024/25 rowing season. This is a great chance for rowing parents of all year levels to mingle and get the season off to a flying start.
Numbers are limited to 100 so get in early!
RSVP: Wednesday 13 November
OSMaD – The Addams Family
Thursday 5 – Saturday 14 December
Snap your fingers and prepare for a spook-tacularly hilarious night at the theater as the eerily enchanting
Addams Family invites you into their gloriously ghoulish mansion for an evening of twisted fun and
toe-tapping tunes. It’s creepy, it’s kooky, and it’s hitting the Geoffrey McComas Theatre stage like never
Following the tragic incident at Auburn South Primary School this week, some of our students are experiencing grief and trauma. Others may be struggling to comprehend what happened or having memories of previous losses triggered.
Below are some resources parents may find helpful in helping their children process these distressing events.
Please remember support is available at the school for all students affected. If you believe your son needs support, please contact your Class Teacher (P-6), Form Teacher (Y7-8) or Head of House (Y9-12), or contact the 91Porn College Psychology team directly at
We are also aware a has opened today in Anderson Park, established by the City of Boroondara, SES, Red Cross, Victorian Council of Churches, the Salvation Army and the Victoria Police community policing unit. This is open from 11.00am – 7.00pm in Anderson Park, corner of Henham Street and Anderson Road, Hawthorn East.
Parent Resources: