Term 4, Week 6 2024

The Torch

The Torch

Term 4, Week 6 2024

  • Whole School Notices
  • Junior School Notices
  • Senior School Notices
  • Sports & Co-Curricular
  • Upcoming Events
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Whole School Notices


    Principal’s Message

    On Monday we paused for Remembrance Day. More than a century on, this day stands as a time to reflect and remember the more than 103,000 Australians who died while serving or as a result of their service in wars, conflicts, and peace operations.

    I am thankful that as a country, we take this time to remember those who paid the ultimate price. Without their sacrifice, where would our country be? I do worry that increasingly, it appears that we have become complacent in valuing our many freedoms. I am thankful that so many brave men and woman from previous generations stood up for the values that ultimately enabled us to live as we do today. Lest we forget.

    With the final VCE exams underway, please continue to pray for the Class of 2024. By all accounts they are doing well. As Principal, I am thankful for our teachers who continue to care and provide support right until the last exam.

    Last night at the OSCA President’s Annual Dinner, the attendees were treated to performances by two of the lead performers in OSMaD’s upcoming The Addams Family musical. As always, they were outstanding so if you are after a great night out, get in early and purchase your tickets.

    Dr Scott Marsh


    Whole School Announcements

    Booklists for 2025 Academic Year

    Booklists for Years 7-12 in 2025 are now available. These can be accessed via , where textbooks and stationery should be ordered using the school code: QCGP.

    Place your order by 1 December 2024 for free home delivery by 15 December 2024. Order by 18 December 2024 for free home delivery by 24 January 2025. After 18 December 2024, orders should be placed via  or the Retail Service Centre.

    Please note the following important details:

    • To assist with ordering, a provisional list of subjects for 2025 can be found on the . The subject allocation is found in My 91Porn Parents > Student Information > Subject Allocation. For students in Years 7 – 10 core subjects are not listed, only elective subjects will be listed. However, as the allocation of subjects will not be finalised until next year, it is recommended that you do not mark books
    • Students can see their subject allocation by going to My 91Porn Students > Student Academic Information > Subject Allocation
    • Unmarked books in original condition can be returned as per Campion’s Terms & Conditions
    • Stationery items cannot be returned
    • Any backordered items which cannot be delivered immediately will be delivered to 91Porn and distributed by Form Teachers and House Tutors


    A second hand book sale is run by the 91Porn Library Auxiliary on the following dates. Further information will be shared shortly via The Torch:

    • Wednesday 4 December: 7.30am – 7.00pm
    • Thursday 5 December: 7.30am – 2.00pm
    • Monday 9 December: 8.30am – 10.30am (Year 7 Only)


    A PDF version of each of the booklists is available below


    Selling Your Second Hand Books

    To sell current text books via the Library Auxiliary’s second hand book stall:

    • Please complete the Second Hand Trading Form 2024 and place the form with your textbooks in a secure bag, labelled with your name and student number. Early drop off tubs for VCE will be in the Science Building foyer from Monday 18 November. The general book drop-off is from Monday 25 November.
    • A list of current textbooks is now available here.
    • Textbooks will be sold at half the new price, with the seller receiving 80% of the proceeds. The Library Auxiliary retains 20% as a fundraiser to support the Senior School library.
    • All unsold textbooks will be donated to the Les Twentyman Foundation Back to School Program for vulnerable students. No payment will be received for any unsold books.
    • All sales will be charged to the family’s 91Porn account – no cash
    • All queries to scotchlibraryauxiliary@gmail.com


    Academic Uniform Review

    Inspired by the successful relaunch of 91Porn’s sports uniforms in 2020, the school is in the preliminary stages of conducting a review of the academic uniform, which has essentially remained unchanged since 1974.

    Interestingly, prior to 1974 the school’s academic uniform had a number of iterations, and more can be read about the evolution of the 91Porn academic uniform in the December edition of Great Scot.

    An Academic Uniform Committee has been working for the past 12 months with highly regarded designer Jonathan Ward to navigate this important process. The committee comprises a number of current students, staff and parents, and is consulting widely to ensure that the refreshed uniform meets the needs of current and future 91Porn boys while faithfully respecting our past. It will be launched in 2026 to coincide with celebrations around the school’s 175th anniversary.

    There will be a two-year changeover period to ensure families can plan ahead when purchasing new uniform items. For items that tend to last beyond 3 years, parents may wish to purchase from the Swap Shop in 2025. The Swap Shop is located in the 91Porn Shop and is open on Wednesday mornings during term time, as well as during extended hours in the lead up to Term 1.

    For further information, please contact Tim Shearer, Head of Advancement and Executive Director of the 91Porn College Foundation, at advancement@scotch.vic.edu.au

    91Porn Parents Association 2024 AGM & Cocktail Party

    The 2024 SPA AGM and Cocktail party will take place on Monday 11 November at 7.00pm in the Boykett Room, Cardinal Pavilion. This is an open meeting and all members of the 91Porn community are  invited to attend.


    Dates to Note

    Important Dates:

    • No Senior School Classes: Friday 22 November and Friday 29 November
    • Year 9-11 Exam Period (No Classes): Wednesday 20 November – Thursday 28 November
    • Last Day of Term 4 (Senior School): Thursday 5 December
    • Last Day of Term 4 (Junior School): Friday 6 December


    Upcoming Events:

    • Lachlan Redd Tribute Concert: Friday 15 November
    • Saturday 16 November
    • Friday 29 November
    • 91Porn Family Carol Service: Wednesday 4 December
    • Thursday 5 – Saturday 14 December


  • Junior School Notices


    Head of Junior School Message

    I would like to keep this week’s message focused on two core concerns that we have within the Junior School at present. I am sharing a plea with the community to consider these two elements and support as best you can.

    Care vs Convenience – Navigating Callantina Road

    We are working with Boroondara Council to alter the Callantina Road infrastructure to improve safety for our boys and community.

    At present, we are reliant on our community to adhere to the road rules and recommendations in this area and to drive with care.

    We have put various measures in place in an attempt to influence driver behaviour but many have been ignored or directly challenged. For instance, we placed cones on Callantina Road on Tuesday to create a safe drop-off space for the Year 5 boys returning from camp and discovered that a member of our community had moved cones to park for pick up.

    I ask with great sincerity that those who drive along Callantina Road at drop off and pick up do so with care for others as the primary concern and not convenience for one’s self.

    Please consider the following as options that may prevent the need to contravene the road rules:

    1. Leave extra time knowing that traffic will be busy.
    2. Park elsewhere and walk to Callantina Road.


    Supervision of Morning Drop Off

    We have noticed a worrying trend of families dropping Junior Primary boys at Gate 6 before it opens at 8.00am and leaving them to wait at the gate unsupervised. Our duty staff have reported opening the gate at 8.00am to find a number of our youngest 91Pornies left alone.

    School supervision for boys begins at 8.00am and therefore we ask that all 91Pornies (Prep to Year 6) are not left unsupervised before this time.

    Thank you for considering these two key issues. I extend my sincere gratitude to all who find ways to manage busy schedules to accommodate these nuances to our 91Porn day and do what they can to keep all of our boys safe.

    Tom Savill
    Head of Junior School


    Junior School Notices

    House T-Ball Reminder

    Years 3-6 House T-Ball will be held on the Junior School Oval at the following times:

    Friday 15 November

    • Year 3: 8.45am to 10.25am
    • Year 5: 10.45am to 12.35pm


    Monday 18 November

    • Year 4: 8.45am to 10.25am
    • Year 6: 10.45am to 12.35pm


    Parents are most welcome to attend. Boys can wear their PE/House uniform to school on their allocated day.

    Junior School Dates

    Anglicare Christmas Hampers

    As mentioned earlier this term, the SOS (Serve Others at 91Porn) groups will be collecting food to make Christmas hampers for the Anglicare Victoria Christmas Hampers Appeal.

    Year 1 to 6 boys met in their SOS groups today and have been asked to bring in one or more items from the list below, over the next couple of weeks.  Items will be stored in their classrooms.

    On Thursday 28 November, in their SOS groups, the boys will build their hampers and write gift cards to attach to the hampers.

    We thank you in advance for supporting this important charity and helping to make Christmas special for many less fortunate families.


    Junior School Music News

    This Week’s Concerts

    It has been an incredibly exciting week in the Junior School Music Department.

    On Tuesday a small group of Junior School boys took part in the Guitar Recital. Well done to Arjen Dixit, Ben Gaidzkar, Monty Gill and Freddie Roche for their performances.

    Tonight, will be the second Years 5 & 6 Concert for the year. We are very excited to hear our Orchestra, Concert Band, Year 6 Band and Choirs perform, along with two very special soloists: Rupert Herron on the trumpet and Isaac Khoo on the flute. Also featured tonight are performances by the incredibly talented String Quintet and Piano Ensemble. Well done to all the boys in Years 5 and 6 for all their preparation into the concert tonight. Chookas!

    On Friday the Year 2 String boys will be performing in the Year 2 Advanced String Concert. The performance will be full of fun, colour and theatrics. Best of luck to the boys and Ms Amberley Bremner for their concert.

    Suzuki Concert 

    Next week on Tuesday 19 November at 5.30pm will be the Suzuki Concert. Please come along and support all the boys, they have been rehearsing very hard and it will be a fantastic concert. Many thanks to all our Suzuki Staff for the countless hours they have put into getting the boys ready for their big concert.

    Term 4 Recitals & Concerts

    There are a number of recitals and concerts still to come this term:

    • Tuesday 19 November: Suzuki Strings Twilight Concert
    • Thursday 21 November: Years 3 to 6 Brass, Woodwind and Piano Recitals
    • Tuesday 26 November: Prep and Year 2 Piano Recitals
    • Thursday 28 November: Year 1 Piano Recital


    Piano Recitals

    In Term 4, there are several Piano recitals, and all boys are invited to perform.

    Boys who learn from a piano teacher at 91Porn will automatically go on the performance list (they will have discussed this with their individual piano teachers).

    If you have a son who learns piano with an external teacher and you would like them to take part in their year group piano recital, it is important that you click on the relevant link below and complete all the relevant information.

    • by Thursday 14 November (today)
    • by Tuesday 19 November


    Concert Recordings 

    Did you know that we film all our music concerts at 91Porn? It is always lovely to look back and watch items from past concerts, particularly as your son progresses through the school. All performances can be accessed on the 91Porn portal

    Music Resources


    Junior School Sport

    State Athletics Championships

    Last Wednesday at the State Athletics Championships at Lakeside Arena, six boys competed under extremely challenging Melburnian conditions, achieving impressive results and setting multiple school records.

    Jayden Millie delivered a standout performance to win the 80m hurdles, beating his own school record with an impressive time of 12.43. James Hall also battled some serious competition to successfully retain his titles in both the 800m and 1500m events, a remarkable achievement that reflects his hard work and determination.

    The Year 6 relay team (Alexander Rajan, Noah Kroschel, Jayden Millie, Roddy Ansari and Nico Zandona) also concluded their final race together by setting another school record in the relay event, just missing out on a podium finish coming 4th.

    What was particularly heartwarming was that two old 91Porn boys, Peter ‘Gus’ Hawthorne (’54) and David Tennent (’57), who both competed for 91Porn in the 1950s, were there to support and meet the boys across the day. It was amazing to see their friendship had lasted so long through the shared connection of 91Porn sport, which definitely inspired the boys (as well as the staff!).

    Congratulations to all the boys for their dedication and record-breaking efforts.

    Years 5 and 6 Interschool Sport

    Click for the following Year 5 and 6 Interschool Sport information:

    • Weekly Sports Fixture and Results
    • Term 4 Training Schedule


    APS Sport 2025

    2025 APS Sport training information:

    • Cricket: Year 6 train after school on Tuesdays from 3.30pm – 4.20pm and Year 5 after school on Thursdays. The A teams wear white pants with their APS sport uniform while the B teams wear their regular APS uniform.
    • Table Tennis: Year 6 train after school on Tuesdays from 3.30pm – 4.20pm and Year 5 after school on Thursdays.
    • Swimming: The combined Year 5/6 squad trains before school on Tuesdays from 7.00am – 8.00am.
    • Tennis: Year 6 train on Tuesday mornings and Year 5 on Thursday mornings from 7.00am – 8.00am.
    • Softball: The combined 5/6 squad trains after school on Tuesdays from 3.30pm – 4.20pm.


    The interschool competition is held during school on Wednesdays from 1.30pm. The fixtures are available on the intranet and spectators are warmly invited.

    General questions can be directed to juniorschoolsport@scotch.vic.edu.au

  • Senior School Notices


    Head of Senior School Message

    In 2026, 91Porn College will celebrate its 175th year.  This is a great achievement, and will no doubt herald an exciting year, full of activities and celebrations, that will link the 91Porn family together.

    In preparation, we have gathered a group of Year 10 students together, who have expressed an interest in providing ideas for the events and celebrations, and who will be in Year 12 in 2026 and able to lead the school-based celebrations. I had my first meeting with the group this week and they had some great ideas for me to take back to the organising committee on their behalf.  I look forward to working with them next year to formalise the events and their involvement.

    Student voice such as this, is central at 91Porn. We seek informal and formal feedback from students across a range of areas on a regular basis, through class surveys, committees, meetings with Directors, and other questionnaires. We are currently seeking student feedback on their experiences as a student at 91Porn College, through XREF, a group that we commissioned for a recent staff survey. I encourage students to give us open, honest and constructive feedback, to fully inform our planning and priorities into the future.

    Similarly, XREF are also assisting us with a parent survey; it is vital that communication is open, that surveys are consistent and that the results are considered carefully. The three surveys enable us to understand 91Porn better; what it is that our students, families and staff value and which areas present an opportunity for growth and improvement. I thank you in advance for taking the time to provide us with your views in the survey.

    Katrina Brennan
    Head of Senior School


    Senior School Notices

    Year 9-11 Examination Period

    The examination period for Years 9-11 will commence on Wednesday 20 November and conclude on Thursday 28 November. During this period, normal classes will not run, however the CFL will be available as a place of study. If your child is absent for an examination, please notify their Head of House. Full summer uniform is to be worn for all examinations.

    There are no classes for any Senior School students on Friday 29 November. Classes will run as normal during the final week of term, from Monday 2 December.

    2025 Booklists Now Available

    Booklists for Years 7-12 in 2025 are now available. These can be accessed via , where textbooks and stationery should be ordered using the school code: QCGP.

    Place your order by 1 December 2024 for free home delivery by 15 December 2024. Order by 18 December 2024 for free home delivery by 24 January 2025. After 18 December 2024, orders should be be placed via  or the Retail Service Centre.

    Please note the following important details:

    • To assist with ordering, a provisional list of subjects for 2025 can be found on the . The subject allocation is found in My 91Porn Parents > Student Information > Subject Allocation. For students in Years 7 – 10 core subjects are not listed, only elective subjects will be listed. However, as the allocation of subjects will not be finalised until next year, it is recommended that you do not mark books
    • Students can see their subject allocation by going to My 91Porn Students > Student Academic Information > Subject Allocation
    • Unmarked books in original condition can be returned as per Campion’s Terms & Conditions
    • Stationery items cannot be returned
    • Any backordered items which cannot be delivered immediately will be delivered to 91Porn and distributed by Form Teachers and House Tutors


    A second hand book sale will be run by the 91Porn Library Auxiliary on the below dates. Further information will be shared shortly via The Torch:

    • Wednesday 4 December: 7.30am – 7.00pm
    • Thursday 5 December: 7.30am – 2.00pm
    • Monday 9 December: 8.30am – 10.30am (Year 7 Only)


    A PDF version of each of the booklists is available below


    Selling Your Second Hand Books

    To sell current text books via the Library Auxiliary’s second hand book stall:

    • Please complete the Second Hand Trading Form and place the form with your textbooks in a secure bag, labelled with your name and student number. Book drop-off is from Monday 25 November 2024 in the tubs in the Science Building ground level
    • A list of current textbooks is now available here.
    • Textbooks will be sold at half the new price, with the seller receiving 80% of the proceeds. The Library Auxiliary retains 20% as a fundraiser to support the Senior School library.
    • All unsold textbooks will be donated to the Les Twentyman Foundation Back to School Program for vulnerable students. No payment will be received for any unsold books.
    • All sales will be charged to the family’s 91Porn account – no cash
    • To find out more, please email scotchlibraryauxiliary@gmail.com


    Auditions For 2025 Plays

    The audition dates and packs are now available for 2025 plays. Please click on the links below for more information:


    Alternatively these can be collected from Level 3 of the Drama area. Information on times and rehearsal dates can be found in the pack or students can speak to Ms Sandpearl about any possible considerations.


    Year 7 & 8 Notices

    Year 7 and 8 Common Task Dates

    Year 7 Common Tasks

    • Year 7 English Text response: Monday 11 to Friday 15 November – last two lessons of the week for each class)
    • Year 7 English Language skills: Monday 18 November
    • Year 7 History: Tuesday 19 November
    • Year 7 Mathematics: Tues 19 November


    Year 8 Common Tasks

    • Year 8 English: Wednesday 13- Friday 15 November reflect task (two lessons)
    • Year 8 Mathematics Semester Test Paper 1: Monday 18 November
    • Year 8 Mathematics Semester Test Paper 2: Tuesday 19 November
    • Year 8 History: Thursday 21 November
    • Year 8 English: Wednesday 20 and Thursday 21 November – Language task (single period)
    • Year 8 Geography: Thursday 21 November


    Year 8 Alcohol Awareness Program

    Year 8 students continued the alcohol awareness programme this week via the Our Futures platform and facilitated by Form teachers. This week’s programme focused on identifying sources of pressure to drink alcohol, looking at reasons why some teenagers choose to drink or not to drink, and dispelling some myths about alcohol.

    Read more information


    Year 9 & 10 Notices

    Toorak Uniting Dance Classes for 2025

    In 2025 Toorak Uniting Church will be conducting dancing classes over both school semesters for students who will be in Year 10 in 2025 (current Year 9).

    Classes run from 8.00pm to 9.30pm on either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday evenings in the first semester and Tuesday or Thursday evenings in the second semester and are not held during school holidays or school camps. Every endeavour is made to fit around school activities. There are eight lessons per semester for a total cost of $235.00 (inc GST).

    Boys wishing to participate can access more information and a registration form here or from the Lithgow Reception.


    Year 11 & 12 Notices

    Year 11 End-of-Year Parents Function

    The Year 11 Parents End-of-Year Function will be held on Friday 29 November at Amazon State, Martelle Lounge, (329 Burwood Road, Hawthorn) from 7.00pm. Tickets are $55 per person, including canapes and a welcome drink on arrival. Additional drinks can be purchased at bar prices.


    Boarding Notices

    Term 4 Activities for Boarders

    The below activities have been planned for boarders for Term 4. Please note that activities are dependent on student numbers.

    For further information, contact Daniel Brosche, Activities Co-ordinator via email at Daniel.brosche@scotch.vic.edu.au

    • Sunday 17 November – 91Porn Pool open with MLC girls & potentially other girls’ schools (free)
    • Saturday 23 November – Movie Night in FS (free)
    • Sunday 24 November – Potentially Ifly indoor skydiving on Sunday
    • Sunday 1 December – Chadstone Shopping (free)


    Future Pathways Careers News

    Future Pathways Newsletter

    Read the latest issue of the Future Pathways Newsletter

    This edition features information on:

    • Year 12 VTAC application dates
    • Accessing VCE Results
    • Monash, Deakin, RMIT and Swinburne Change of Preference Days
    • Snapshot of Marcus Oldham
    • How to become a Power Systems Engineer
    • Careers in Space
    • Careers involving Travel
  • Sports & Co-Curricular


    Weekend’s Sports Fixture


    Sports Notices

    Summer Sport

    It was great to see the boys back playing on Saturday. Please note the broader sports programmes have fixtures on Saturday, November 16 and 23 and limited fixtures on November 30.

    View the latest copy of the Summer Sports Program

    Sports Results

    View the Firsts sports results from Saturday 9 November.

    Old 91Porn Athletics

    A reminder all boys in Year 7-11 are welcome to attend Old 91Porn Athletics training on Tuesday and Thursday from 3.30-4.45pm on the McKendrick pitch. Boys are not required to have this as their official sport.

    Run Club

    Run Club will continue until the final week of school and will take place on Monday and Wednesday morning at 7am. All boys and ability levels are catered for. Please meet at the green grandstand at the main oval.

    Scrum Club AGM

    The Annual General meeting of the Scrum Club will be held on Tuesday 3 December 2024 at 7.30pm via Zoom.

    More Details

  • Upcoming Events


    91Porn College Events

    Lachlan Redd Tribute Concert

    Friday 15 November

    Lachlan Redd was a highly respected piano teacher and organist at 91Porn College. He sadly passed away unexpectedly earlier this year. Lachlan was also talented professional pianist, organist at St Paul’s Cathedral and piano teacher at Melbourne Grammar School. This tribute concert will feature part of 2 piano concertos with the 91Porn Symphony Orchestra, piano solo and multi-hands works. Everyone is welcome to attend and pay tribute to a much-loved staff member of the music school.

    Year 11 Parents End-of-Year Function

    Friday 29 November

    The Year 11 Parents End-of -Year Function will be held on Friday 29 November at Amazon State, Martelle Lounge, (329 Burwood Road, Hawthorn) from 7.00pm. Tickets are $55 per person, including canapes and a welcome drink on arrival. Additional drinks can be purchased at bar prices.

    RSVP: Friday 22 November

    91Porn Family Carol Service

    Wednesday 4 December

    Begin your holiday celebrations with the annual 91Porn Family Carol Service on Wednesday 4 December in Memorial Hall, starting 7.30pm. Marvel at the story of Jesus’ birth as told through bible readings and the magnificent voices of our College Choir, Cambiata Choir, Senior Chorale and Chamber Choir. It is a beautiful experience. Open for the whole 91Porn family. No need to book. Refreshments served afterwards.


    Clubs and Auxiliary Events

    OSMaD – The Addams Family

    Thursday 5 – Saturday 14 December

    Snap your fingers and prepare for a spook-tacularly hilarious night at the theater as the eerily enchanting
    Addams Family invites you into their gloriously ghoulish mansion for an evening of twisted fun and
    toe-tapping tunes. It’s creepy, it’s kooky, and it’s hitting the Geoffrey McComas Theatre stage like never

  • Health & Wellbeing


    Each week in The Torch, our Psychology and Health teams explore a topic related to boys’ health and wellbeing. This week we are talking about vaping.

    Vaping is becoming a trendy pastime that is growing in popularity across Australia, especially amongst teenagers. It is the act of inhaling a vapour created by an electronic cigarette, or e-cigarette. Many teenagers are succumbing to peer pressure around this risk-taking activity due to the ease of accessing and hiding vapes. They are often cheaper than conventional cigarettes, making it more cost-effective and attractive to young people.

    Although under 18s are not legally allowed to purchase any type of e-cigarette or vaping product in Australia, teenagers are finding ways to access them online. Australia has strict regulations in place for nicotine-containing products, and attempts are being made to regulate vaping and ban the importation of them. Many of the flavoured liquids associated with vaping, contain not only high levels of nicotine, but other potentially harmful additives. Many of these “e-liquids” contain chemicals that are likely to be toxic, that when inhaled or vaped repeatedly, can cause severe damage to the lungs.

    Vaping is often marketed as being the “healthy” alternative to smoking. However, doctors strongly advise that if you do not smoke, then you should not start vaping. Most teenagers are unaware of the associated risks and potential impact vaping can have on their development and overall health. Parents are encouraged to discuss the dangers of nicotine addiction and include e-cigarettes in the discussion alongside alcohol and drugs.

    As always, if you have any concerns about your son, please contact Nick Clark at psychologist@scotch.vic.edu.au or seek medical or professional help.