Term 4, Week 7 2024

The Torch

The Torch

Term 4, Week 7 2024

  • Whole School Notices
  • Junior School Notices
  • Senior School Notices
  • Sports & Co-Curricular
  • Upcoming Events
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Whole School Notices


    Principal’s Message

    Congratulations to all our Year 12 boys who are now officially members of OSCA. Exams finished and holidays await. You have finished your schooling with style and have demonstrated tremendous character.

    This week I had the privilege of listening to the Junior School Captains speeches, as boys from Year 5 shared their passions to become the next leaders of Junior School. Each boy spoke articulately and engaged their listeners. Well done to each boy who spoke; each one of you demonstrated you have much to give the school.

    Many 91Pornies this week would have also learned that Jagga Smith (‘23) was the No.3 AFL draft pick and will commence in 2025 with Carlton. Congratulations to Jagga and to his family. He now joins Cooper Lord (‘23) who was also drafted this year to play with the Blues.

    There are many events coming in the final weeks. Please check The Torch to ensure you don’t miss out. In particular, can I again ‘plug’ the upcoming OSMaD musical, The Addams Family. Each year, OSMaD continue to stage professional performances that are not to be missed.

    Dr Scott Marsh


    Whole School Announcements

    Booklists for 2025 Academic Year

    Booklists for Years 7-12 in 2025 are now available. These can be accessed via , where textbooks and stationery should be ordered using the school code: QCGP.

    Place your order by 1 December 2024 for free home delivery by 15 December 2024. Order by 18 December 2024 for free home delivery by 24 January 2025. After 18 December 2024, orders should be placed via Ìýor the Retail Service Centre.

    Please note the following important details:

    • To assist with ordering, a provisional list of subjects for 2025 can be found on the . The subject allocation is found in My 91Porn Parents > Student Information > Subject Allocation. For students in Years 7 – 10 core subjects are not listed, only elective subjects will be listed. However, as the allocation of subjects will not be finalised until next year, it is recommended that you do not mark books
    • Students can see their subject allocation by going to My 91Porn Students > Student Academic Information > Subject Allocation
    • Unmarked books in original condition can be returned as per Campion’s Terms & Conditions
    • Stationery items cannot be returned
    • Any backordered items which cannot be delivered immediately will be delivered to 91Porn and distributed by Form Teachers and House Tutors


    A second hand book sale is run by the 91Porn Library Auxiliary on the following dates. Further information will be shared shortly via The Torch:

    • Wednesday 4 December: 7.30am – 7.00pm
    • Thursday 5 December: 7.30am – 2.00pm
    • Monday 9 December: 8.30am – 10.30am (Year 7 Only)


    A PDF version of each of the booklists is available below


    Selling Your Second Hand Books

    To sell current text books via the Library Auxiliary’s second hand book stall:

    • Please complete the Second Hand Trading Form 2024 and place the form with your textbooks in a secure bag, labelled with your name and student number. Books may be dropped off from Monday 25 November.
    • A list of current textbooks is now available here.
    • Textbooks will be sold at half the new price, with the seller receiving 80% of the proceeds. The Library Auxiliary retains 20% as a fundraiser to support the Senior School library.
    • All unsold textbooks will be donated to the Les Twentyman Foundation Back to School Program for vulnerable students. No payment will be received for any unsold books.
    • All sales will be charged to the family’s 91Porn account – no cash
    • All queries to scotchlibraryauxiliary@gmail.com


    Dates to Note

    Important Dates:

    • No Senior School Classes: Friday 22 November and Friday 29 November
    • Year 9-11 Exam Period (No Classes): Wednesday 20 November to Thursday 28 November
    • Senior School Last Day of Term 4: Thursday 5 December (early dismissal*)
    • Junior School Last Day of Term 4: Friday 6 December (early dismissal 12.00pm)


    * On the final day of term, Senior boys will be dismissed following the Prize Giving Assemblies. This will be at approximately 11.00am for Years 9-11 and 12.00pm for Years 7-8.


    Upcoming Events:

    • Friday 29 November
    • Summer Prom Concert: Tuesday 3 December
    • 91Porn Family Carol Service: Wednesday 4 December
    • Thursday 5 – Saturday 14 December


  • Junior School Notices


    Head of Junior School Message

    This week saw a blend of enjoying the present and looking to the future. With only a few school days left in the academic year, the boys are maximising their time.

    Monday’s assembly was a little different this week as it was centred on presentations from seven Year 5 boys.Ìý The boys presented their thoughts about becoming Junior School Captain to the entire Junior School and a specific panel which had been drawn together to decide on the top two candidates.

    The group of seven boys had been shortlisted after an initial process in which over half of the Year 5 cohort chose to put forward their expression of interest. We took a moment to congratulate all the boys who threw their hat in the ring and demonstrated a little vulnerability.

    I would like to congratulate the following boys for their outstanding presentations:

    Sam Beaurepaire, Angus Green, James Hall, Aiden Natarajan, Ronak Shaw, Jenson Ooi and Alistair Hay.

    It was evident in the assembly that the decision to separate two boys from this group would be a very challenging one.

    However, we must select a Junior School Captain and Vice-Captain and it gives me great pleasure to announce that Jenson Ooi has been elected Junior School Captain and Sam Beaurepaire Junior School Vice Captain.

    We wish these boys well as they represent the Junior School through these roles. We also recognise that all boys in Year 5 will have opportunity to develop their leadership skills and give service through leadership to 91Porn as part of the Service Team model and many other opportunities.

    Angus, James, Aiden, Ronak and Alistair will represent the Junior School next week by leading a group of new staff on tours of the Junior School as part of their induction day.

    Congratulations to all boys who participated in the House T-Ball competitions. They were played in great spirit and with some nail-biting moments. Thank you to all parents who took moments out of their busy schedules to support the boys.

    This morning the Year 6 boys embarked on their ‘1000 Steps Challenge’. The challenge is a symbolic reflection of their Junior School journey and sees them climb the 1000 steps walk in the Dandenongs. Today they were welcomed at the top by members of the ‘Man Cave’ team that participated in their camp earlier this year and helped the boys build strategies to show vulnerability and check-in with one another. We hope the boys came down from the top with a sense of excitement for next year and some reinforcement of strategies they can use to help themselves and one another as 91Pornies.

    Tomorrow, the Year 4 boys embark on their own challenge – The Big Bike Ride. This is the test of all of the skills they have refined during the recent Bike Ed program.

    As we finalise classes for next year, I am pleased to share the following Staffing Update. This includes information on the allocation of class teachers across year levels.

    Tom Savill
    Head of Junior School


    Junior School Notices

    Years 3 to 6 Speech Night and Year 6 Graduation Evening

    Our 2024 Speech Night and Year 6 Graduation Ceremony will be held on Thursday 5 December 2024 at 6.30pm in Memorial Hall, located in the Senior School.Ìý The evening should conclude around 8.00pm.

    It is an expectation that all boys from Years 3 to 6 attend this special event. If your son is unable to attend, please send an email to juniorschool@scotch.vic.edu.au

    Boys need to arrive by 6.00pm in summer uniform (no jumpers) and go straight to their designated rooms in the Senior School Quadrangle. They will be shown where to go at a rehearsal earlier in the day.

    Parents and siblings are able to attend the evening.

    Please note that we will be hosting a Year 6 function in the Quadrangle following the ceremony and would appreciate Year 3-5 families leaving the area promptly.

    We look forward to this end of year celebration.

    Junior School Colour Run

    Following last year’s successful Colour Run event at the end of last year, the JSPA are kindly running the event again this year.

    On Tuesday 3 December, boys from Years 3 to 6 are invited to attend the Colour Run after school from 3.30pm to 4.15pm on the Senior School Rugby Oval. The boys are encouraged to wear white shirts for the event and can change at school at the end of the day.

    The event is recognition and celebration of all of the boys’ efforts in their SOS (Serving Others at 91Porn) groups to support projects such as the Running Water Project and the Anglicare Christmas Hamper Appeal.

    Parents are welcome to attend the event and can access the grounds through the Monash Gate (Entry 8) on Glenferrie Road.

    Junior School Dates

    Anglicare Christmas Hampers

    As mentioned earlier this term, the SOS (Serve Others at 91Porn) groups will be collecting food to make Christmas hampers for the Anglicare Victoria Christmas Hampers Appeal.

    Year 1 to 6 boys met in their SOS groups and have been asked to bring in one or more items from the list below, over the next couple of weeks. Items will be stored in their classrooms.

    On Wednesday 27 November, in their SOS groups, the boys will build their hampers and write gift cards to attach to the hampers.

    We thank you in advance for supporting this important charity and helping to make Christmas special for many less fortunate families.

    2024 Australian Problem-Solving Mathematical Olympiads

    It is with pleasure that the results of the 2024 Mathematical Olympiads for Young Australians are announced. The Australian Problem-Solving Mathematical Olympiads is a team format competition, open to primary school maths students who compete over four Olympiads. Each Olympiad has five questions and, as a result, students are scored out of a maximum 20. This year the Junior School had four competing teams: two in the Upper Primary Problem-Solving category and the two teams, which competed in the Australian Problem-Solving Maths Olympiad Games category.

    Mathletes, who score 12 (or above) out of 20 for their division of the competition, receive recognition for their achievement.

    This year Luke Heng and Sebastian Khaw, from Year 6, achieved perfect scores of 20/20. They are recognised as prize winners. The Year 6 team had the best overall team result for Victorian Independent schools. Further results are listed below:


    Year 6: Evan Wang, Hayden Vo, Dylan Pai, Hector Xu, Isaac Khoo, Tom Caplan, Ryan Ye, Tony Yin, Callum Chiu

    Year 5: Oliver Khoo, Jenson Ooi, Harvey Xu, Anson Zhang, Davin Choi, Ethan Zhu, Christopher Moller, Frederick Pagnin

    Year 4: Cameron Hu, Jeremy Tey, Joshua Saw, Ethan Goh

    Year 3: William Chock, Alfie Geier, Sachith Jasinarachchi, Elliott Lee, Tristan Nie, Ethan Liu, Mark Tan


    Year 6: Devin Lin, Edward Beeny, Austin Liu, Xavier Xiang, Lawrence Cao, Frederick Rennex

    Year 5: Patrick Sun, Ronak Shaw, Jayden Wayne, Ethan Chen, Nicholas Chilov

    Year 4: Ethan Fu, Teddy McCubbin, Norbert Li, Joshua So, Roy Qi, James Skinner, Vihan Dalal

    Year 3: Charles Lee



    Junior School Music News

    Year 5 & 6 Concert

    Last Thursday, we had a highly successful Years 5 & 6 Concert.

    The concert featured all of the Junior School large ensembles – Concert Band, String Orchestra, Callantina Chorus (all Year 5 and 6 boys) and Glen House Choir, along with several solo performances.

    Congratulations to Dylan Pai for his impressive marimba performance of Alice Gomez’s Raindance. His performance was outstanding, featuring 4 mallets in a highly complicated composition.

    Congratulations to Rupert Herron for his energetic and dynamic performance of Our Comrade Cossak @ the Kremlin. Isaac Khoo performed Malaguena on flute with a warm, rich tone.

    Featured in the night’s concert was a performance by a very talented group of string players of Boccherini’s Quintet in C Major, 4th Movement. Well done to Luke Heng, Sebastian Khaw, Devin Lin, Dylan Pai and Ryan Ye for their impressive performance.

    The Piano Ensemble played a rendition of Gillock’s Champagne Toccata. Congratulations to Callum Chiu, Luke Heng, Devin Lin, Dylan Pai and Xavier Xiang.

    Every Year 5/6 Concert ends with massed choral singing. Thursday nights’ concert was no exception. The boys all performed Shalom, Pacem, Peace; a beautiful and lyrical choral piece based on the melody By the Waters of Babylon, and they also performed Africa by Toto. This piece was accompanied by Miss Paik on the piano, and Mr Leon Duncan and Nick Pelosi on percussion. Well done to all boys for conquering this challenging piece in what was a highlight of the night


    Year 2 Advanced String ConcertÌý

    Last Friday, the Year 2 String boys performed in the Year 2 Advanced String Concert. Like all Year 2 String Concerts, there were fairy lights, Light Sabers and props galore. The energy and enthusiasm the boys showed was palpable. Well done boys, and a huge well done to Ms Amberley Bremner for another amazing concert.



    Piano, Woodwind & Brass Recitals

    It has been a very big day of recitals!

    After school the Year 3 and 4 boys will have their Brass, Woodwind and Piano Recitals in JFA. It will be a busy day for some of the boys as they perform in more than one recital. At 6.30pm the Brass, Woodwind and Piano Recitals will be held for the Year 5 and 6 boys. Again, some talented boys will be performing in two recitals! Good luck to all boys and congratulations for a fantastic year of music making!

    Suzuki ConcertÌý

    On Tuesday evening, the audience enjoyed a delightful Suzuki Concert. Kudos to all the talented boys playing the violin, viola, cello, double bass, and piano! It was a pleasure to hear the traditional Suzuki repertoire, however, the real highlight was the combined strings and piano performance of When You Wish Upon a StarÌýwhich was particularly enchanting and clearly a favourite amongst the boys. This concert showcased the Suzuki method’s focus on creating a positive and nurturing environment for young musicians. Congratulations to those who received their Suzuki Graduation Certificates, a testament to their hard work and the supportive role of their parents in their musical journey.

    Concert RecordingsÌý

    It is always lovely to look back and watch items from past concerts, particularly as your son progresses through the school. All performances can be accessed on the 91Porn portal  

    Term 4 Recitals & Concerts

    There are just three Piano recitals remaining for the year which will be held as follows in the Junior School Assembly Hall.ÌýParents are welcome.

    • Tuesday 26 November: Prep Piano Recitals, 8.30am
    • Tuesday 26 November: Year 2 Piano Recitals, 3.30pm
    • Thursday 28 November: Year 1 Piano Recital, 8.30am


    Music Resources


    Junior School Sport

    National Golf Championships

    91Porn College had two Year 5 boys representing the school at the School Sport Australia 12 years and under Golf Championship (10 to 14 November 2024).

    Oscar Hu and Jaidon Herath both attended the event hosted by New South Wales (NSW).

    Playing on both The Links Shell Cove and Kiama Golf Club, the boys competed against students from across NSW, Western Australia, Queensland, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory.

    In representing both Victoria and 91Porn College, the boys performed admirably and achieved outstanding results by winning the Bowtell/Abbott Shield for the Boys Team Championship, placing first in the Ambrose Competition Trophy for the Boys Teams Gross, and runners-up in the Craig Parry Cup for the Boys and Girls Team Stroke Championships.

    Congratulations to both Oscar and Jaidon.

    Years 5 and 6 Interschool Sport

    Click for the following Year 5 and 6 Interschool Sport information:

    • Weekly Sports Fixture and Results
    • Term 4 Training Schedule


    APS Sport 2025

    2025 APS Sport training information:

    • Cricket: Year 6 train after school on Tuesdays from 3.30pm – 4.20pm and Year 5 after school on Thursdays. The A teams wear white pants with their APS sport uniform while the B teams wear their regular APS uniform.
    • Table Tennis: Year 6 train after school on Tuesdays from 3.30pm – 4.20pm and Year 5 after school on Thursdays.
    • Swimming: The combined Year 5/6 squad trains before school on Tuesdays from 7.00am – 8.00am.
    • Tennis: Year 6 train on Tuesday mornings and Year 5 on Thursday mornings from 7.00am – 8.00am.
    • Softball: The combined 5/6 squad trains after school on Tuesdays from 3.30pm – 4.20pm.


    The interschool competition is held during school on Wednesdays from 1.30pm. The fixtures are available on the intranet and spectators are warmly invited.

    General questions can be directed to juniorschoolsport@scotch.vic.edu.au

  • Senior School Notices


    Head of Senior School Message

    Rowing at 91Porn College

    I was delighted to spend last Saturday morning, which was bright and sunny, at the opening of the rowing season, gathering with our rowers, coaches and parents, to formally acknowledge the start of the season.

    The squad then went on to achieve amazing results in the ensuing Melbourne Head Regatta. The First, Second and Third crews, and our Year 10A Eight, all achieved first place.

    Rowing at 91Porn College is more than just a sport; it is a tradition that has shaped the lives of countless students. With a history spanning over a century, 91Porn College’s rowing program is renowned for its commitment to excellence, teamwork, and personal development.

    Historical Significance

    91Porn College’s rowing program dates to the late 19th century, making it one of the oldest and most prestigious school rowing programs in Australia. The school’s boathouse on the Yarra River has witnessed numerous victories and has been a training ground for many elite rowers who have gone on to represent Australia in international competitions.

    Development of Skills and Character

    Rowing at 91Porn College is not just about winning races; it is about developing essential life skills. The rigorous training regimen instils discipline, resilience, and a strong work ethic in students. Rowers learn the importance of teamwork, as success in rowing is heavily dependent on the crew’s ability to work in unison. These skills are invaluable and extend beyond the rowing course into academic and professional pursuits.

    Community and Camaraderie

    The rowing program fosters a strong sense of community and camaraderie among students. The shared experiences of early morning training sessions, regattas, and the highs and lows of competition create lasting bonds. Alumni often reflect on their time in the rowing program as some of the most formative and memorable of their school years.

    Health and Wellbeing

    Rowing is a physically demanding sport that promotes overall health and wellbeing. It provides a full-body workout, enhancing cardiovascular fitness, strength, and endurance. The physical benefits are complemented by the mental health benefits, as the sport encourages a balanced lifestyle and stress management.

    Achievements and Recognition

    91Porn College’s rowing teams have consistently performed at a high level, earning numerous accolades at state and national regattas. The school’s commitment to excellence is evident in its state-of-the-art facilities and the professional coaching staff dedicated to nurturing young talent.


    Rowing at 91Porn College is a cornerstone of the school’s sporting culture. The legacy of 91Porn college rowing is one of tradition, excellence and lifelong impact.

    I wish to thank Tom Woodruff, the Director of Coaching and the team of coaches, many of whom are young old boys, who work closely with our students, our teachers involved in rowing, and the Cardinal Club parents, who do so much to support the program. I wish them and the boys, all the best for the exciting season ahead.

    Katrina Brennan
    Head of Senior School


    Senior School Notices

    91Porn Explore: New Thursday Afternoon Program

    As you are aware, important timetable reforms will be introduced at 91Porn next year aimed at enhancing student learning outcomes. These innovative reforms will be introduced over a two-year period and aim to improve academic rigour and offer the highest standard of educational practice. These enhancements support the school’s strategic plan and commitment to being a world leader in boys’ education and teacher development.

    One of the new additions is the 91Porn Explore program, which will be held every Thursday afternoon from Term 1, 2025. In response to parent, staff and student feedback, we are pleased to confirm the following:

    • The program will be mandatory for all students. It will run every Thursday during term time, from 1.50pm until 3.30pm.
    • There will be no additional cost for most activities.
    • Each program will run for either one term or one semester (depending on the activity).
    • Information on the program, including activity options, will be shared with current Year 7-11 students in school next week.
    • Years 8 to 10 will have choice in the activities they wish to explore within the program. Boys will be asked to submit their preferences via the web preferences portal, and parents will be required to approve their son’s preferences before submission.
    • Students in Years 7, 11 and 12 will participate in set year-level programs that cater to the specific needs of each group. Rowers in Years 9 and 10 will also be required to participate in a mandatory program.



    Reflective Statements

    The Semester 2 Progress Reports provide a valuable opportunity for students to reflect on their academic journey. The boys have been encouraged to thoughtfully consider their performance, identify areas of strength, and explore strategies to further enhance their engagement and achievement.

    , which capture these self-evaluations, are published for parents on the page of the parent portal. This window into your son’s learning experience can facilitate constructive dialogue about his progress and commitment to personal growth. Please contact your son’s Form Teacher or Head of House if you have any concerns or require further clarification.

    If a Reflective Statement is not available for your son, it indicates that he had not completed the statement at the time of publishing. Students who have not yet completed the statement will have the opportunity to do so over the next week, and any outstanding statements will be published on Monday 25 November.

    Year 9-11 Examination Period

    The examination period for Years 9-11 will conclude on Thursday 28 November. During this period, the boys are able to use the CFL as a place of study. Please remember to notify your son’s Head of House if he is absent for an examination.

    There are no classes for any Senior School students on Friday 29 November. Classes will run as normal during the final week of term, from Monday 2 December.

    2025 Booklists Now Available

    Booklists for Years 7-12 in 2025 are now available. These can be accessed via , where textbooks and stationery should be ordered using the school code: QCGP.

    Place your order by 1 December 2024 for free home delivery by 15 December 2024. Order by 18 December 2024 for free home delivery by 24 January 2025. After 18 December 2024, orders should be be placed viaÌýÌýor the Retail Service Centre.

    Please note the following important details:

    • To assist with ordering, a provisional list of subjects for 2025 can be found on the . The subject allocation is found in My 91Porn Parents > Student Information > Subject Allocation. For students in Years 7 – 10 core subjects are not listed, only elective subjects will be listed. However, as the allocation of subjects will not be finalised until next year, it is recommended that you do not mark books
    • Students can see their subject allocation by going to My 91Porn Students > Student Academic Information > Subject Allocation
    • Unmarked books in original condition can be returned as per Campion’s Terms & Conditions
    • Stationery items cannot be returned
    • Any backordered items which cannot be delivered immediately will be delivered to 91Porn and distributed by Form Teachers and House Tutors


    A second hand book sale will be run by the 91Porn Library Auxiliary on the below dates. Further information will be shared shortly via The Torch:

    • Wednesday 4 December: 7.30am – 7.00pm
    • Thursday 5 December: 7.30am – 2.00pm
    • Monday 9 December: 8.30am – 10.30am (Year 7 Only)


    A PDF version of each of the booklists is available below


    Selling Your Second Hand Books

    To sell current text books via the Library Auxiliary’s second hand book stall:

    • Please complete the Second Hand Trading Form and place the form with your textbooks in a secure bag, labelled with your name and student number. Book drop-off is from Monday 25 November 2024 in the tubs in the Science Building ground level
    • A list of current textbooks is now available here.
    • Textbooks will be sold at half the new price, with the seller receiving 80% of the proceeds. The Library Auxiliary retains 20% as a fundraiser to support the Senior School library.
    • All unsold textbooks will be donated to the Les Twentyman Foundation Back to School Program for vulnerable students. No payment will be received for any unsold books.
    • All sales will be charged to the family’s 91Porn account – no cash
    • To find out more, please email scotchlibraryauxiliary@gmail.com


    Auditions For 2025 Plays

    The audition dates and packs are now available for 2025 plays. Please click on the links below for more information:


    Alternatively these can be collected from Level 3 of the Drama area. Information on times and rehearsal dates can be found in the pack or students can speak to Ms Sandpearl about any possible considerations.


    Year 9 & 10 Notices

    Tiwi College Immersion 2025

    After a very successful Year 10 Tiwi College Immersion trial this year, we are inviting boys to express their interest in attending a similar 7 day Immersion program in 2025.

    The program will include learning Tiwi language, culture, art and assisting in classes and around the school, in addition to a visit to Darwin with a cultural and historical focus. Boys will be expected to document their experience and facilitate a presentation about the trip for their peers on return to 91Porn. They will also be expected to catch up on missed schoolwork during this trip. Dates are not yet set but the trip will take place in Term 2 or 3.

    Boys interested in this incredible cultural experience should email Dr Smith robert.smith@scotch.vic.edu.au and Ms Gates emma.gates@scotch.vic.edu.au no later than Monday 2 December to register interest.

    Expressions of Interest should include a statement from the applicant indicating why they are interested, what they hope to learn and what they can offer to the Immersion. Places are limited and selection will be based on the written application, an interview and feedback from Heads of House.


    Year 11 & 12 Notices

    VCE Exam Errors

    Please click to view the communication sent to parents with information from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), following the errors reported with this year’s VCE exams.

    Year 11 91Porn Family Mentoring Program

    Our Year 11 91Porn Family Mentoring program concluded last week, and it was great to hear from all the boys about their program highlights and progress at the celebration breakfast. Thank you to all those staff and parents who came along to support the boys, and of course to our wonderful volunteer mentors & OSCA staff for bringing the program to life! Parents and 91Porn Community members who are interested in mentoring our boys in 2025 are encouraged to get in touch with Future Pathways.

    Year 11 End-of-Year Parents Function

    The Year 11 Parents End-of-Year Function will be held on Friday 29 November at Amazon State, Martelle Lounge, (329 Burwood Road, Hawthorn) from 7.00pm. Tickets are $55 per person, including canapes and a welcome drink on arrival. Additional drinks can be purchased at bar prices.


    Boarding Notices

    The Hill Christmas Dinner – Wednesday 4 December

    We hope to see many parents and family members at the annual Hill Christmas Dinner on Wednesday 4 December to celebrate another great year in Boarding!

    RSVP: Friday 29 November.

    There is no charge for this event.

    Term 4 Activities for Boarders

    The below activities have been planned for boarders for Term 4. Please note that activities are dependent on student numbers.

    For further information, contact Daniel Brosche, Activities Co-ordinator via email at Daniel.brosche@scotch.vic.edu.au


    • Saturday 23 November – Movie Night in FS (free)
    • Sunday 24 November – Senior School Gym supervised session and bike ride (free)
    • Sunday 1 December – Chadstone Shopping (free)


    Please note that activities are dependent on student numbers. For further information, contact Daniel Brosche, Activities Co-ordinator via email at Daniel.brosche@scotch.vic.edu.au.


    Student Achievements

    Pipes and Drums at Hawthorn Early Years

    Last week Richie Swan 10LN, Noah Fraser 11SS and Noah Hutchings 10LN went to Hawthorn Early Years to play the Pipes and Drums for the children there.

    The three boys played expertly and it was great to see the excitement and delight on all the young faces in the audience. As well as performing several songs, the boys also let the children have a go on their instruments, and led a musical march for them all to partake in.

    We received countless messages of positive feedback from the staff at Hawthorn Early Years, who were hugely impressed by our three boys’ talent, warmth and inclusivity. Well done boys and thank you! I am sure these performances will have doubtlessly inspired many young children to pick up the Pipes and Drums one day.

    Private Pilots License

    Congratulations to Jake Pearce (Year 10) for obtaining his Private Pilots License and doing his first solo flight! It is a monumental testament to his resolve, commitment, focus and passion – a huge success.




    Future Pathways Careers News

    Future Pathways Newsletter

    Read the latest issue of the Future Pathways Newsletter

    This edition features information on:

    • Discover Blue Mountains International Hotel Management
    • Getting Your Results – What happens next?
    • Change of Preference Days
    • Open Day success
    • Apprenticeships & Traineeships
    • Various Jobs
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Volunteering
  • Sports & Co-Curricular


    Weekend’s Sports Fixture


    Sports Notices

    Summer Sport

    It was another positive weekend for our 91Porn community. It was pleasing to see our rowers perform exceptionally in the Melbourne Head Regatta. Impressively our Firsts, Seconds, Thirds, 10A and 9A crews won their events.

    This week will be the final week of training and fixtures for most sports involved in the broader summer sports programmes. While training has been impacted due to Year 9-11 examinations, it has been pleasing to see the boys engage so well. Training will not take place on the student free day tomorrow, Friday 22 November.

    Rowers should refer to communication from the boatshed.

    View the latest copy of the Summer Sports Program

    High Performance Weights Room

    A reminder the boys in Year 10-11 have access to general conditioning sessions after school from 3.30-5pm. Boys are expected to change fully into 91Porn sports uniform to participate. Team sessions will also take place in the morning at scheduled times during the examination period.

    Sports Results

    View the Firsts sports results from Saturday 16 November.

    Old 91Porn Athletics

    A reminder all boys in Year 7-11 are welcome to attend Old 91Porn Athletics training on Tuesday and Thursday from 3.30-4.45pm on the McKendrick pitch. Boys are not required to have this as their official sport. Next week will be the final week of training for this programme.

    Run Club

    Run Club will continue until the final week of school and will take place on Monday and Wednesday morning at 7am. All boys and ability levels are catered for. Please meet at the green grandstand at the main oval.

    Scrum Club AGM

    The Annual General meeting of the Scrum Club will be held on Tuesday 3 December 2024 at 7.30pm via Zoom.

    More Details

  • Upcoming Events


    Music and Drama Events

    Summer Prom Concert

    Tuesday 3 December

    The music department warmly invites you to enjoy a night full of music featuring the 91Porn College Symphony Orchestra, Academy Strings and Symphonic Wind. Tuesday 3 December in the Ian Roach Hall at 6.30pm. Bookings are not required.




    91Porn College Events

    Year 11 Parents End-of-Year Function

    Friday 29 November

    The Year 11 Parents End-of -Year Function will be held on Friday 29 November at Amazon State, Martelle Lounge, (329 Burwood Road, Hawthorn) from 7.00pm. Tickets are $55 per person, including canapes and a welcome drink on arrival. Additional drinks can be purchased at bar prices.

    RSVP: Tomorrow, Friday 22 November

    91Porn Family Carol Service

    Wednesday 4 December

    Begin your holiday celebrations with the annual 91Porn Family Carol Service on Wednesday 4 December in Memorial Hall, starting 7.30pm. Marvel at the story of Jesus’ birth as told through bible readings and the magnificent voices of our College Choir, Cambiata Choir, Senior Chorale and Chamber Choir. It is a beautiful experience. Open for the whole 91Porn family. No need to book. Refreshments served afterwards.


    Clubs and Auxiliary Events

    OSMaD – The Addams Family

    Thursday 5 – Saturday 14 December

    Snap your fingers and prepare for a spook-tacularly hilarious night at the theater as the eerily enchanting
    Addams Family invites you into their gloriously ghoulish mansion for an evening of twisted fun and
    toe-tapping tunes. It’s creepy, it’s kooky, and it’s hitting the Geoffrey McComas Theatre stage like never

  • Health & Wellbeing


    Each week inÌýThe Torch, our Psychology and Health teams explore a topic related to boys’ health and wellbeing. This week we are talking about toxic achievement culture.

    Toxic achievement culture is characterised by the entanglement of self-worth, achievement and the relentless pursuit of academic or extracurricular success – at any cost! This phenomenon goes beyond the mere quest for success, it embeds a belief in students that their merit is exclusively tied to their achievements, often propelled by intense external pressures from families, schools, and society.

    Some students are overfilling their schedules with activities aimed at “getting ahead”. However, the consequences are proving to be detrimental on students’ mental and physical health resulting in burnout and heightened levels of stress. This culture is also being aggravated by parental expectations, peer competition and a relentless comparison ethos often driven by social media.

    There is nothing wrong with having ambition, but it’s crucial to ensure that this desire doesn’t push children into a toxic cycle of achievement and make them feel that they must achieve in order to matter. The relentless drive to excel is leading many students to prioritise accolades over genuine learning and personal growth, often at the expense of their own wellbeing and interpersonal relationships. As parents and guardians, it is important to advocate for a more balanced and holistic approach to achievement, emphasising the importance of resilience, wellbeing, and the pursuit of diverse interests.

    As always, if you have any concerns about your son, please contact Nick Clark atÌýpsychologist@scotch.vic.edu.auÌýor seek medical or professional help.