Term 4, Week 8 2024

The Torch

The Torch

Term 4, Week 8 2024

  • Whole School Notices
  • Junior School Notices
  • Senior School Notices
  • Sports & Co-Curricular
  • Upcoming Events
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Whole School Notices


    Principal’s Message

    One more week to go…

    I am sure like me, you cannot believe another year has now passed. For me, the concept of time is something that inspires great mystery and alarm. The ancient philosopher Seneca once noted that ‘it is a small part of life we really live. Indeed, all the rest is not life but merely time’.

    Our busy world can too often rob us of what it means to truly live. Over the break, I pray that you experience some rich time with friends and family. Time to experience an ‘unhurried life’ and time to experience joy.

    Information on the new Thursday afternoon program, 91Porn Explore, will be shared with parents this afternoon. Participation will be mandatory, reflecting the feedback we received from parents. As a result, the program has been carefully scaled to accommodate all boys while maintaining quality and variety. As such, a tight turnaround is required for students to submit their preferences. Please ensure you take the time to discuss activity options with your son this weekend, so his submissions can be completed by Tuesday 3 December.

    Thank you to the 91Porn Family for a great year. Next year we share our strategy for our school that has been developed by Council and staff. We have received input from Old Boys, parents and students and are genuinely excited about our future. A special community event will be held early in the new year where we will share our plans with the 91Porn Family, please look out for further details coming soon.

    I wish all 91Porn families a Merry Christmas and a blessed new year.

    Dr Scott Marsh


    Whole School Announcements

    APS Sport Program Review Update

    As previously shared, the Associated Public Schools of Victoria (APS) is currently conducting a comprehensive review of its sport program. This ongoing strategic review is supported by all 11 APS member schools and acknowledges the significant impact of the APS Sport program on students, schools, and the wider community. Please click here for a detailed update on the review.

    The 91Porn Collegian 2024

    This year’s Collegian will be distributed to students on Tuesday 3 December during House and Form meetings. Junior school students will receive their copy tomorrow on Friday 29 November.

    The school yearbook is a celebration of 2024 and contains photos, reflections by students, and documents the important events of the year.

    Community Engagement Role at 91Porn

    91Porn is seeking a dynamic and enthusiastic Community Engagement Manager to lead and develop community engagement strategies, coordinate special events and build positive and meaningful relationships throughout the school community. Working collaboratively and building partnerships with key stakeholders, this full-time permanent position provides an opportunity for a creative and highly organised professional to plan a program of Parents’ Association events and activities that enhance community involvement, inclusivity and connection with families.

    Please click here for more details.

    Booklists for 2025 Academic Year

    Booklists for Years 7-12 in 2025 are now available. These can be accessed via , where textbooks and stationery should be ordered using the school code: QCGP.

    Place your order by 1 December 2024 for free home delivery by 15 December 2024. Order by 18 December 2024 for free home delivery by 24 January 2025. After 18 December 2024, orders should be placed via Ìýor the Retail Service Centre.

    Please note the following important details:

    • To assist with ordering, a provisional list of subjects for 2025 can be found on the . The subject allocation is found in My 91Porn Parents > Student Information > Subject Allocation. For students in Years 7 – 10 core subjects are not listed, only elective subjects will be listed. However, as the allocation of subjects will not be finalised until next year, it is recommended that you do not mark books
    • Students can see their subject allocation by going to My 91Porn Students > Student Academic Information > Subject Allocation
    • Unmarked books in original condition can be returned as per Campion’s Terms & Conditions
    • Stationery items cannot be returned
    • Any backordered items which cannot be delivered immediately will be delivered to 91Porn and distributed by Form Teachers and House Tutors


    A second hand book sale is run by the 91Porn Library Auxiliary on the following dates in S1.03 on the ground floor of the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre for Science:

    • Wednesday 4 December: 7.30am – 7.00pm
    • Thursday 5 December: 7.30am – 2.00pm
    • Monday 9 December: 8.30am – 10.30am (Year 7 Only)


    Selling Your Second Hand Books

    To sell current text books via the Library Auxiliary’s second hand book stall:

    • Please complete the Second Hand Trading Form 2024 and place the form with your textbooks in a secure bag, labelled with your name and student number. Book drop-off continues until Wednesday 4 December.
    • A list of current textbooks is now available here.
    • Textbooks will be sold at half the new price, with the seller receiving 80% of the proceeds. The Library Auxiliary retains 20% as a fundraiser to support the Senior School library.
    • All unsold textbooks will be donated to the Les Twentyman Foundation Back to School Program for vulnerable students. No payment will be received for any unsold books.
    • All sales will be charged to the family’s 91Porn account – no cash
    • All queries to scotchlibraryauxiliary@gmail.com


    Dates to Note

    Important Dates:

    • Senior School Last Day of Term 4: Thursday 5 December (early dismissal following Prize Giving Assemblies; 11.00am for Years 9-11 and 12.00pm for Years 7-8)
    • Junior School Last Day of Term 4: Friday 6 December (early dismissal 12.00pm)
    • First Day Term 1 2025: Friday 31 January


    Upcoming Events:

    • Year 11 End of Year Parents Function: Friday 29 November
    • Summer Prom Concert: Tuesday 3 December, 6.30pm
    • 91Porn Family Carol Service: Wednesday 4 December, 7.30pm
    • Thursday 5 – Saturday 14 December


  • Junior School Notices


    Head of Junior School Message

    As the days of the academic year slip away, the energy and commitment of the boys certainly does not. I share a few moments to celebrate and a request for support from you as we navigate the final few days of the year.

    Next week will see the boys meet their class teacher for next year and learn who is in their class.

    Reaching this outcome is an enormous body of work that takes into consideration a complex array of variables, both historical and current.

    It is natural and normal for some boys to feel disappointed at the time of moving up as they are not met with their perfect outcomes and preconceived ideas of what is to come.

    We ask for your support in remaining positive in this space and encouraging the boys to look ahead positively to seek the opportunities that present. We work hard to follow the mantra shared by Dr Marsh last year; ‘prepare the boy for the road, not the road for the boy’. To this end, we have engaged in conversations and processes that help prepare the boys for this moment. We very much value your support in remaining positive with the boys and working in partnership with us as we move forwards together.

    We are excited looking ahead to next year and the breadth of opportunity for boys to find success and build on passions.

    This week has seen wonderful effort and opportunity for celebration.Ìý Wednesday was joyful as boys gathered in the SOS groups to create hampers for the annual Anglicare appeal.

    This year the boys were involved in building the boxes and packing the hampers in addition to bringing in donations of food. I am delighted to share that they collectively created 88 hampers. This evolution to our support for Anglicare built on the work last term whereby boys learnt the value of effort and time in supporting/serving others.Ìý These small tweaks to programs help connect the boys to a more authentic understanding of service and support.

    My thanks to Amy Rogers and the staff for stepping into this space and for giving the boys greater autonomy (albeit the odd need for assistance when building flatpack boxes).

    We look forward to celebrating the boys’ efforts through the JSPA colour run next Tuesday afternoon (3.30pm on the Rugby Oval).

    In Monday’s assembly we took a moment to wish Novak Palombo (Year 6) well as he embarks on a trip to the US to play in a tennis tournament that captures the top 100 or so players of his age from across the world. This is a tournament previously tackled by tennis greats such as Andy Murray and Roger Federer. We wish him well.

    Whilst on the racquets theme, we were delighted to hear of boys who put themselves out of their comfort zones by taking their new found interest in squash to a tournament at the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club. After weeks of involvement in the co-curricular Racquets Club, boys put themselves forward to play competitive matches. Congratulations to Kavi Russell (Year 6) who finished runner up in his division and his first tournament.

    Tonight our Year 6 boys and families will enjoy their Valedictory Dinner.Ìý It is a wonderful moment in the year and a fitting recognition of everyone involved in the 91Porn journey for these young men.

    As this is the last edition of The Torch for this academic year, I want to take the opportunity to share a sincere vote of thanks to the entire community for its support this year. We have collectively navigated bumps in the road and come together to create wonderful opportunities for the boys.

    In the coming few days, we will have opportunity to thank departing boys and staff and wish them well on their next adventure.

    I am very proud of every 91Pornie and congratulate them all for giving their best and bringing an infectious energy to their school.

    I hope everyone has a great summer break, that Australia’s fortunes in the cricket improve, and that you all have a happy Christmas.

    Tom Savill
    Head of Junior School


    Junior School Notices

    2025 Transition Morning – Wednesday 4 December

    On Wednesday 4 December 2024 from 9.00am to 10.25am, all boys (except Prep 2025 boys) will have the opportunity to meet their 2025 classroom teacher and new classmates.

    Boys will spend time in their new classroom hearing about the exciting things they have to look forward to next year and getting to know their new classmates.

    An email will be sent on this day regarding the classes and teaching structure for 2025.

    New boys will be invited to join current boys on this day for the Transition session in the morning. It is hoped that this process will make for a smooth start to the 2025 school year.

    If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the Junior School Office on 9810 4224.

    Semester 2 Reports

    The 2024 Semester 2 Reports will be available for viewing from 6.00pm on Wednesday 4 December 2024 and can be accessed via the Parents intranet page using your parent login and password.

    Click to view instructions about how to access your son’s report. If you have a query regarding a specific aspect of the report, please contact the classroom or specialist teacher directly.ÌýFor any other queries relating to reports, please contact the Junior School office.

    Years 3 to 6 Speech Night and Year 6 Graduation Evening

    Our 2024 Speech Night and Year 6 Graduation Ceremony will be held on Thursday 5 December 2024 at 6.30pm in Memorial Hall, located in the Senior School.Ìý The evening should conclude around 8.00pm.

    It is an expectation that all boys from Years 3 to 6 attend this special event. If your son is unable to attend, please send an email to juniorschool@scotch.vic.edu.au

    Boys need to arrive by 6.00pm in summer uniform (no jumpers) and go straight to their designated rooms in the Senior School Quadrangle. They will be shown where to go at a rehearsal earlier in the day.

    Parents and siblings are able to attend the evening.

    Please note that we will be hosting a Year 6 function in the Quadrangle following the ceremony and would appreciate Year 3-5 families leaving the area promptly.

    We look forward to this end of year celebration.

    Junior School Dates


    Year 4 Bike Education

    Bike Education Program

    During Week 6, Year 4 students successfully completed their Bike Education program, focusing on bike handling skills, road safety and awareness. Throughout that week, the boys practised these skills with drills and scenarios set up around the Junior School oval then progressed to the Senior School grounds where they navigated both sealed and unsealed paths and demonstrated their growing confidence and abilities.

    The program culminated on Friday 22 November with an exciting 10km group ride to T.H. King Reserve. Despite the heat, the boys embraced the challenge, and it was a fantastic opportunity for them to put everything they had learned into practice. It was evident that their hard work and focus paid off as they showed impressive bike handling skills and safety awareness throughout the ride.

    A big thank you to the Year 4 teachers for their support in helping the students prepare and participate in the program.


    Junior School Music News

    Prep, Year 1 & Year 2 Piano RecitalsÌý

    It has been an exciting week of piano recitals from our youngest students. It began on Tuesday morning with the Prep Piano Recital before school, then after school, the Year 2 Piano Recital. This morning was the Year 1 Piano Recital.

    Well done to all the boys who performed, and a very big thank you to the amazing team of piano teachers headed by Ms Elaine Chin.

    Musical Entertainment

    On Tuesday the Junior School welcomed the Morrison St Jazz Band to the Atrium for the last of the lunchtime performances. The band consists of boys from Years 7 and 8 and included many former Junior School boys.Ìý The upbeat music proved a hit with the boys with plenty of toe tapping and even some dancing!!

    Thanks to Samantha Collins for organising a variety of performances throughout the year for all levels of musical abilities.

    Concert RecordingsÌý

    It is always lovely to look back and watch items from past concerts, particularly as your son progresses through the school. All performances can be accessed on the 91Porn portal  

    Music Resources


    Junior School Sport

    Years 5 and 6 Interschool Sport

    Click for the following Year 5 and 6 Interschool Sport information.

    APS Sport 2025

    2025 APS Sport training information:

    • Cricket: Year 6 train after school on Tuesdays from 3.30pm – 4.20pm and Year 5 after school on Thursdays. The A teams wear white pants with their APS sport uniform while the B teams wear their regular APS uniform.
    • Table Tennis: Year 6 train after school on Tuesdays from 3.30pm – 4.20pm and Year 5 after school on Thursdays.
    • Swimming: The combined Year 5/6 squad trains before school on Tuesdays from 7.00am – 8.00am.
    • Tennis: Year 6 train on Tuesday mornings and Year 5 on Thursday mornings from 7.00am – 8.00am.
    • Softball: The combined 5/6 squad trains after school on Tuesdays from 3.30pm – 4.20pm.


    The interschool competition is held during school on Wednesdays from 1.30pm. The fixtures are available on the intranet and spectators are warmly invited.

    General questions can be directed to juniorschoolsport@scotch.vic.edu.au

  • Senior School Notices


    Head of Senior School Message

    It seems unbelievable that the end of the school year is so close; but that is the reality. I want to thank 91Porn families for your warm welcome this year. I congratulate our boys for engaging in their studies and extra curricula pursuits with such joy and diligence.Ìý I hope that families enjoy the summer break and time spent together.

    There is much to celebrate in 2024. The special occasions, such as the Cordner-Eggleston Cup, Foundation Day Concert, Remembrance Day Assembly, The Torch Ceremony and Year 12 Valedictory Dinner, were particular highlights. The sense of community and warmth at these events was palpable, and something that impressed me greatly as I attended these events for the first time.

    The students have shown me their many talents and development of character in all areas this year; always ably supported by our incredible teachers and, in many instances, professional services staff. Stand outs are our many musical concerts and theatre productions, assemblies, Prefect-run initiatives such as RU OK Day, Family Day, our Pipes and Drums world title, strong APS performances, excellent learning programs including excursions and incursions, some wonderful service opportunities including camps and trips, the cadet program and its model of peer leadership, the impactful pastoral programs, such as gambling, and respectful relationships, and a strong camaraderie amongst our boys.

    I encourage families to discuss reports and exam results with your sons. A reflection on what went well, what did not, and what can be done differently in 2025, is a worthy exercise. It is certainly a chance to congratulate effort and determination, and to shine a light on those areas where motivation may have been lacking, supporting boys to set in place changes that will help them to continue to improve.

    I am keen to reflect over the break on the strengths of the Senior School but also to use the data from our surveys of staff, students and parents to inform both our strategic projects, as well as our day-to-day operations moving forward. Continuing to improve and deliver the highest of standards is crucial. It is an honour to be at 91Porn and to play a part in the education of these extraordinary young men.

    Katrina Brennan
    Head of Senior School


    Senior School Notices

    Semester Reports

    Semester Reports will be available to view on on Friday 6 December.

    Please ensure a PDF of the report is saved for future access. Should you have any difficulties accessing the reports please contact ICT support on 03 9810 4411.

    Quadrangle Assembly – Wednesday 4 December

    On Wednesday 4 December, all Senior School students will be attending an assembly in the Main Quadrangle. As this assembly will take place outside, boys are required to wear their 91Porn hats. Please remind your son to bring his hat on this day.

    Final Day of Term Dismissal

    On the final day of term, Senior boys will be dismissed following the Prize Giving Assemblies. This will be at approximately 11.00am for Years 9-11 and 12.00pm for Years 7-8.

    91Porn Explore: New Thursday Afternoon Program

    Details of the new Thursday afternoon program, 91Porn Explore, will be sent to all parents and guardians tomorrow. This will provide detailed information on the program, and the process to select activities.

    Senior School Student Artworks for Collection

    There are still several high quality student artworks that were presented on Family Day, in the Principal’s Art Prize, and in regular Art lessons, that have not yet been collected to take home. We would love them to come home!

    Please remind your sons to collect their artworks if they haven’t done so already. Student artworks are not able to be stored after the end of the year.

    If you have a question about where to find your son’s artwork please contact Head of Art Yudha.scholes@scotch.vic.edu.au




    2025 Booklists Now Available

    Booklists for Years 7-12 in 2025 are now available. These can be accessed via , where textbooks and stationery should be ordered using the school code: QCGP.

    Place your order by 1 December 2024 for free home delivery by 15 December 2024. Order by 18 December 2024 for free home delivery by 24 January 2025. After 18 December 2024, orders should be be placed viaÌýÌýor the Retail Service Centre.

    Please note the following important details:

    • To assist with ordering, a provisional list of subjects for 2025 can be found on the . The subject allocation is found in My 91Porn Parents > Student Information > Subject Allocation. For students in Years 7 – 10 core subjects are not listed, only elective subjects will be listed. However, as the allocation of subjects will not be finalised until next year, it is recommended that you do not mark books
    • Students can see their subject allocation by going to My 91Porn Students > Student Academic Information > Subject Allocation
    • Unmarked books in original condition can be returned as per Campion’s Terms & Conditions
    • Stationery items cannot be returned
    • Any backordered items which cannot be delivered immediately will be delivered to 91Porn and distributed by Form Teachers and House Tutors


    A second hand book sale will be run by the 91Porn Library Auxiliary on the below dates in S1.03 on the ground floor of the Sir Zelman Cowen Centre for Science.

    • Wednesday 4 December: 7.30am – 7.00pm
    • Thursday 5 December: 7.30am – 2.00pm
    • Monday 9 December: 8.30am – 10.30am (Year 7 Only)



    Selling Your Second Hand Books

    To sell current text books via the Library Auxiliary’s second hand book stall:

    • Please complete the Second Hand Trading Form 2024 and place the form with your textbooks in a secure bag, labelled with your name and student number. Book drop-off continues until Wednesday 4 December.
    • A list of current textbooks is now available here.
    • Textbooks will be sold at half the new price, with the seller receiving 80% of the proceeds. The Library Auxiliary retains 20% as a fundraiser to support the Senior School library.
    • All unsold textbooks will be donated to the Les Twentyman Foundation Back to School Program for vulnerable students. No payment will be received for any unsold books.
    • All sales will be charged to the family’s 91Porn account – no cash
    • All queries to scotchlibraryauxiliary@gmail.com


    Auditions For 2025 Plays

    Audition dates and packs are now available for 2025 plays. Please click on the link below for more information:


    Alternatively these can be collected from Level 3 of the Drama area. Information on times and rehearsal dates can be found in the pack or students can speak to Ms Sandpearl about any possible considerations.

    Black Dog Institute Seminar

    The Black Dog Institute is hosting a webinar on Thursday 12 December about teen mental health. This webinar is focused on providing strategies and resources to help you in supporting your son. The webinar is free and open to all parents, caregivers, and anyone interested in supporting the mental health of teens in their care.


    Year 7 & 8 Notices

    Year 7 and 8 End of Year Program

    Students in Year 7 and 8 may come to school dressed in their sports uniform on the below dates, given they will have sport during Periods 5 and 6:

    • Year 8 – Tuesday 3 December
    • Year 7 – Wednesday 4 December


    Year 9 & 10 Notices

    Tiwi College Immersion 2025

    After a very successful Year 10 Tiwi College Immersion trial this year, we are inviting boys to express their interest in attending a similar seven-day Immersion Program in 2025.

    The program will include learning Tiwi language, culture, art and assisting in classes and around the school, in addition to a visit to Darwin with a cultural and historical focus. Boys will be required to document their experience and facilitate a presentation about the trip for their peers on return to 91Porn. They will also be expected to catch up on missed schoolwork during this trip. Dates will be shared with parents shortly, however the trip will take place in Term 2 or 3.

    Boys interested in this incredible cultural experience should email Dr Smith robert.smith@scotch.vic.edu.au and Ms Gates emma.gates@scotch.vic.edu.au no later than Monday 2 December to register interest.

    Expressions of Interest should include a statement from the applicant indicating why they are interested, what they hope to learn and what they can offer to the Immersion. Places are limited and selection will be based on the written application, an interview and feedback from Heads of House.


    Year 11 & 12 Notices

    VCE Exam Errors Update

    Please click to view the most recent communication sent to VCE parents with information from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA), following the errors reported with this year’s VCE exams.

    Year 11 Relationships, Love and Consent Sessions

    On the morning of Tuesday 3 December, Year 11 will be hearing from various guest presenters on issues concerning relationships, love and consent. This may be a good opportunity to open up some conversations at home about these important issues as we all try to support your son in becoming a responsible and caring young man.

    There will be a presentation from Choicez which will consider how to build strong respectful relationships and how this can sometimes lead to love and then intimacy.

    Elephant Ed will also be back to run sessions covering the following:

    • Legalities and statistics relating to abusive relationships
    • Prevention strategies that emphasise collective responsibility and encourage bystander intervention
    • Exploration of the causes and origins of abusive relationships, including discussions around gender imbalance and power imbalance
    • Relationship between everyday culture and how violence in relationships manifests within society
    • Seeking help and supporting peers


    We hope that there will be some useful information for all our boys to consider to enable them to think through various situations in advance and ultimately help them make wise choices.

    Year 11 Introduction to VCE Afternoon

    In 2025, Year 11 students will commence their school year on Thursday 30 January at 1.00pm. They will participate in the Introduction to VCE afternoon led by Elevate Education on the theme of study skills. Heads of House will also be present. The session is designed to help students with their notetaking, revision and study skills. Students are required to wear their summer uniform and will need to bring a pen and laptop or notepad.

    The afternoon commences with lunch provided by the school at 1.00pm outside the Music School. StudentsÌý will then move to the following classrooms at 1.30pm:

    BD – 1.02; DN – 1.03; EN – 1.08; FD – 1.13; FG – 1.18; FS – 1.19; GY – 21; LN – 22; LJ – 23; MH – 24; MN – 25; SS – 26. These rooms are in the English Department and Quad, respectively.

    The session is expected to finish by 3.15pm. If you have any queries, please contact your son’s Head of House or Tim Rayner.


    Boarding Notices

    The Hill Christmas Dinner – Wednesday 4 December

    We hope to see many parents and family members at the annual Hill Christmas Dinner on Wednesday 4 December to celebrate another great year in Boarding!

    RSVP: Today, Friday 29 November.

    There is no charge for this event.

    Term 4 Activities for Boarders

    The final activity for boarders will be a trip to Chadstone Shopping Centre on Sunday 1 December.

    For further information, contact Daniel Brosche, Activities Co-ordinator via email at Daniel.brosche@scotch.vic.edu.au


    Student Achievements

    Morrison Street Jazz Band

    The Morrison Street Jazz Band brought an exciting dose of live music to the Junior School this week. As the boys ate their lunch in the Atrium, the band played five upbeat pieces. As the band took the stage, students were immediately captivated by the upbeat rhythms and catchy melodies. Various students were applauded with their improvised solos and the ensemble, as a whole, performed extremely well. Congratulations to all involved.




    Future Pathways Careers News

    Future Pathways Newsletter

    Read the latest issue of the Future Pathways Newsletter

    Congratulations to all boys for completing their exam period, wishing you all a wonderful end of year break. This is a great opportunity for careers conversations with your son. You can find plenty of helpful guides and quizzes .

    The Future Pathways team are looking forward to working closely with the Year 12 students and their families throughout the change of preference period.

    In the final newsletter, please find the following:

    • Change of Preference expos and information
    • VTAC webinars for Year 12
    • Victoria Police Information session Q and A
    • Environmental and conservation careers guide


    Subject Changes

    Please discuss your son’s exam results with him and if you need to make final changes to his subjects for next year, please contact your Future Pathways Counsellor to explore this.

    Year 11 Research

    Year 11 boys should have some courses to research over the break and they may also find the Applying to University Guide helpful to guide their research into different state systems. Please note some of the details may change for applications to universities in 2026.

  • Sports & Co-Curricular


    Weekend’s Sports Fixture

    Please note only a limited fixture is running during this final weekend of term.


    Sports Notices

    Summer Sport

    It was great to see our rowers continue their good form with another win for the Firsts crew at the Nagambie regatta. Our Firsts Tennis and Badminton teams also remain undefeated with strong wins on Saturday, while the Old 91Porn Athletics squad performed exceptionally at the Victorian Track relays.

    This week there are limited fixtures and boys should refer to weekly fixtures for details.

    Rowers should refer to communication from the boatshed in relation to training.

    The boys have had an outstanding 2024 and represented the school with great pride. I am looking forward to seeing what next year holds for the boys. A huge thanks to all of our staff, coaches and parent groups for the roles they play in providing a meaningful programme.

    Wishing everyone has a safe and enjoyable Christmas period.

    View the latest copy of the Summer Sports Program

    Swimming and Diving Trials– Wednesday, 29 January and Thursday 30 January

    All swimmers and divers are encouraged to attend the January Swimming Programme on Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 January in the Glenn Centre pool from 10.00am. The sessions are aimed to help prepare the boys for the APS finals and start the 2025.

    Boys involved in other sports are welcome to attend these sessions and involve themselves in training and competition and available for selection in the APS finals in late March.

    High Performance Weights Room

    A reminder the boys in Year 10-11 have access to general conditioning sessions before and after school. The final session will be on the morning of Thursday 5 December. Boys are expected to change fully into 91Porn sports uniform to participate.

    Sports Results

    View the Firsts sports results from Saturday 23 November

    Run Club

    Run Club has concluded for the year. We look forward to providing this opportunity to all boys next year.

    Scrum Club AGM

    The Annual General meeting of the Scrum Club will be held on Tuesday 3 December 2024 at 7.30pm via Zoom.

    More Details

  • Upcoming Events


    Music and Drama Events

    Summer Prom Concert

    Tuesday 3 December, Ian Roach Hall 6.30pm

    The concert will feature the Symphonic Wind, the Academy Strings and the Symphony Orchestra.

    Notable works include the Piano Concerto No 3 by Kabalevsky, with the brilliant Year 5 soloist, Jayden Wayne, AMus.A., The Clarinet Concerto No 1 by Weber (last movement), with Wells Duan, LMusA (nearly – he hasn’t completed the theory yet!), and the outstanding horn player, Daniel Wang, LMusA (Distinction) who will play the wonderful Concertino for Horn by Weber. There will also be some lighter works by Leroy Anderson, featuring soloists: Samarth Gupta on Typewriter in G flat, and David Wang who will perform A Trumpeter’s Lullaby with the orchestra. The leadership positions in the Music School for 2025 will also be announced at the concert.

    There is no charge and there will be Christmas Cake and other seasonal delights at the end of the concert. It is always a lovely occasion and you are warmly invited to attend, and bring your families. Tickets are not needed.

    Thank you for your support for our musicians throughout this year.


    91Porn College Events

    91Porn Family Carol Service

    Wednesday 4 December

    Begin your holiday celebrations with the annual 91Porn Family Carol Service on Wednesday 4 December in Memorial Hall, starting 7.30pm. Marvel at the story of Jesus’ birth as told through bible readings and the magnificent voices of our College Choir, Cambiata Choir, Senior Chorale and Chamber Choir. It is a beautiful experience. Open for the whole 91Porn family. No need to book. Refreshments served afterwards.


    Clubs and Auxiliary Events

    OSMaD – The Addams Family

    Thursday 5 – Saturday 14 December

    Snap your fingers and prepare for a spook-tacularly hilarious night at the theater as the eerily enchanting
    Addams Family invites you into their gloriously ghoulish mansion for an evening of twisted fun and
    toe-tapping tunes. It’s creepy, it’s kooky, and it’s hitting the Geoffrey McComas Theatre stage like never

  • Health & Wellbeing


    Each week inÌýThe Torch, our Psychology and Health teams explore a topic related to boys’ health and wellbeing. This week we are talking about transitions.

    Whether it is starting school for the first time, moving up to a higher grade or embarking on a journey through secondary school, there is no doubt that any school transition is a very exciting time for children and parents.

    However, transitioning is an ongoing process. It can continue long after students have entered their new environment and may encounter difficulties at a number of different stages. These stressors may appear as anxiety and frustration and result in negative or disruptive behaviours. Such behaviours can become problematic making the transitioning process even more difficult for children and parents.

    As always, if you have any concerns about your son, please contact Nick Clark atÌýpsychologist@scotch.vic.edu.auÌýor seek medical or professional help.